
Privacy policy

Mario Gallo with registered office in Via Filippo Turati 23 - 00185 Roma, Italy, as data controller, pursuant to Regulation
(EU) 679/2016 applicable from 25 May 2018 – General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) (henceforth indicated
GDPR or "Applicable law" for convenience ), states this policy relating only to the website
("Website") while it does not apply to or concern other websites which may be viewed via external links and is valid as a
notice pursuant to art. 13 ss of the Applicable law.
The processing of your personal data by Mario Gallo is carried out according to the principles of
accountability, lawfulness, honesty, transparency, purpose and storage limitation, data minimization, accuracy, integrity
and confidentiality, in accordance with the laws of the Applicable law and the confidentiality requirements referred to
Mario Gallo with registered office in Via Filippo Turati 23 - 00185 Roma, Italy (abbreviated as MG),
for the purposes, specified below, linked to the provision of its services, and of forwarding information and contact
requests via its website and for the operability of the said website (henceforth indicated as "Website"), processes your
personal data acquired during the execution of the Services and / or while browsing this website, as Data Controller.
The data controller determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.
"Personal data" refers to any information concerning a natural person (the person concerned) identified or
identifiable with specific reference to an identifier such as the name, an identification number, data concerning the
location, an online identifier or one or more elements characteristic of his physical, physiological, psychic,
economic, cultural or social identity.
The personal data collected on this website are listed below:

a. Browsing data

The computer systems of the Website collect some of your personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use

of Internet communication protocols.

This information is not collected to be associated with you, as the party concerned, but for its very nature it might

however, through elaborations and associations with data held by third parties, enable your identification.

Among this information there are the IP addresses or the names accessible to the devices used to visit the Website, the

URI addresses of the requested resourses, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server,

the filesize of the response obtained, the numerical code indicating the state of the response from the server (successful,

error, ecc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and computing environment.

These data are used in order to obtain anonymous statistical information about the use of the Webite and as a means of

checking its proper functioning; to allow -given the architecture of the systems used- the correct provision of the various

functionalities required, for reasons of safety and to determine liability in the even of hypothetical cybercrimes against the

Website or third parties.

b.Data provided voluntarily

Through the Website, as an interested party, you can voluntarily provide personal data such as your name and email

address to contact MG through i form "Contatti" e "Verifica disponibilità" which will process the data provided in

compliance with the Applicable law, considering that they refer to you as an interested party who has comunicated them

or who has expressly authorized third parties to provide them in your name and / or on your behalf based on an

appropriate legal basis that legitimizes the processing of the concerned data.

In the aforementioned cases, you, as the interested party, and the third party who has provided them on your / their

behalf take on all obligations and legal responsibilities, relieving MG from any dispute, demand,

request for compensation for damage due to data processing, etc. that they should receive from other individuals whose

personal data have been processed through the use of the Website in violation of the applicable law.

c.Cookies and similar technologies

MG collects your personal information through cookies.

Cookies are small data files that can be sent by a website to the user's terminal (usually to the browser), where they are

stored before being re-transmitted to the website upon the next visit. A cookie cannot acquire any other data from the

hard disk of the terminal of the person concerned, nor transmit computer viruses or acquire email addresses. Cookies

can be used both by the website owner and by third parties and can also be easily disabled by the interested party.

In order to provide its Services regularly, MG needs to use certain cookies, those of third parties

as well, through this Website. Therefore, if you, as the party whose data is processed, decide to disable the use of

cookies, MG might be unable, for strictly technical reasons, to provide you with certain Services

or to provide them in the manner required.

Further information on the use of cookies and similar technologies is available in the dedicated section you can reach via

the website footer.

Your personal data, provided by you through the Webite will be processed by MG for the
following purposes:
a. Registering MG on the website, as well as purposes aimed at doing everything
necessary for the provision of the Services offered, which is done mainly by using automated and computerized
methods, pre-contractual agreements, and stipulation of contracts. In the said cases, for certain services
MG will provide you with additional specific information on the processing of personal data, in
addition to this privacy notice.
The legal basis for the processing of your personal data for the purposes detailed above (point a) is the provision of a
contracted service or the response to a request, which do not require consent pursuant to the applicable law.
b. Purposes of statistical research / analysis on aggregate or anonymous data, therefore without the possibility of
identifying you, solely aimed at evaluating the functioning of the Website, assessing its traffic, its use and the interest it
The aforementioned purpose (point b) does not involve the processing of personal data.
c. Purposes related to the fulfilment of legal obligations, regulations, community legislation, orders and requirements
of the competent authorities to which MG is subject.
The processing relating to the aforementioned purpose (point c) does not require consent since it represents a
legitimate processing as it is the fulfilment of legal obligations, also related to the provision of the Services;
d. The pursuit of one of our legitimate interests, as data controller, such as handling complaints and litgations,
credit collection, preventing fraud and illegal activities.
The legal basis in this case (point d) is guaranteed by the legitimate interest of MG also in
exercising and / or defending, where necessary, their rights in the appropriate fora.
e. Carrying out commercial and promotional communication activities towards the e-mail address provided by you, as the
party concerned, related to services and activities of MG.
Consenting to the processing of your personal data for the purposes listed above (point e) is optional, but failing to do so
could make it impossible to answer a request or fulfilment to which MG is subject or has been
Your personal data may be shared and communicated, for the purposes specified above in point 3, in Italy or
abroad, to third parties such as:
  • individuals necessary for the provision of services offered by the Website, such as MG's taxand legal advisors in relation to their respective obligations, to companies and to technical consultants in charge of the management and maintenance of information systems, software and databases, to financial services, administrative services, archiving, auditing and budget certification companies, in any case in strict relation to and within the limits of the fulfilment of their respective duties and activities.
  •  however, individuals who are authorized by MG to process the Personal Data and who are committed to confidentiality or have an adequate legal obligation of confidentiality (e.g. employees and collaborators of MG).
  • jurisdictions carrying out their duties when required by the Applicable law.
Some of your personal data may need to be transferred to Recipients outside the European Union, in compliance with
the applicable legislation.
MG will process your personal data for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes
detailed and indicated in point 3 for a limited time, which can vary depending on the type of activity expected to process
personal data.
Once this period has expired, your data will be permanently deleted or irriversibly anonymized.
  • The data collected to conclude and fulfil contracts will be stored for ten years from the date when the contract has been concluded.
  • Data related to invoicing will be stored for ten years from the invoice date.
  • Your data as a Registered User, entered by yourself when you registered on the website, will be stored until profile deletion is requested.
  • The data you have communicated to MG using i form "Contatti" e "Verifica disponibilità" will be stored for 12 months from the time of its communication, unless a contract is signed.
  • The CVs received and the data contained therein will be stored for twelve months from their reception;
  • The data provided to us for commercial communications and / or to send newsletters will be stored until the user requests that the activity be interrupted and / that he be unsuscribed from the service or otherwise until you ask us to stop sending you this kind of communications.
Within the limits of the Applicable law, as an interested party in the processing of your personal data, processed through
the website of MG you can exercise the following rights at any time :
- the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or nonexistence of personal data and, if it exists, to obtain access to it
as well as a copy of it.
Unless it is otherwise specified by the applicable law, MG may refuse you the possibility of
obtaining said copy in the event that it might damage the rights and freedom of others; the right to obtain the indication:
of the origin of the personal data; of the purposes and methods of processing personal data; of the logic applied in case
the processing is carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; of the identification details of the data controller and, if
appointed, of the data supervisors and privacy representative; of the individuals or categories of individuals to whom the
personal data may be communicated; the right to: update, rectifiy, integrate data, delete, transform into an anonymous
form or block data processed in violation of the law, including data for which storage is not necessary to the purposes for
which it has been collected or subsequently processed, in the cases established by the applicable law, the limitation of
the processing of personal data in the cases provided for by the law, the right to object, in whole or in part, for legitimate
reasons, to the processing of personal data although pertinent to the purpose of collection, to the processing of personal
data information for the purpose of sending advertising material or material concerning direct sales or to carry out market
research or commercial communication, the right to withdraw consent at any time, if the latter constitutes the legal basis
of the processing, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before its revocation,
to file a complaint to the supervisory authority, in the cases provided for by the applicable law, to receive the data in a
structured format of common use and readable through an automatic device and to give such data to another holder
unimpeded, the right to obtain written proof stating that each of the recipients to whom the personal data was sent has
received communication of any adjustments or deletions or limitations of the processing, except in the case in which this
requirement should prove impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the right protected. In
any case, at your express request as the concerned party you can also obtain the details of said recipients.
The aforementioned requests must be sent by e-mail to the address:
This Privacy Policy is effective from 25 May 2018. MG reserves the right to change or simply
update the contents, partly or fully, also due to changes in the Applicable law. MG will inform you
of these changes as soon as they are introduced and binding and as soon as they are published on the Website. In any
case, any changes made to the present information notice will be duly published in a specific section of this Website.
Enjoy our promotions to visit Rome


Long Stay Promotion

Long Stay Promotion is ideal for those interested in a longer stay rich with services and comfort... the perfect solution to unplug and regain your energy!

Tutti i dettagli

Romantic getaway!

Nothing's more pleasant then spending a few days at Termini Terrace: a special shelter for two with a panoramic terrace overlooking the roofs of Rome.

Tutti i dettagli


Perfect location and very helpful and kind staff. The room was very clean.

Breakfast was great. The TV had Netflix which was nice after a long day exploring Rome. Mario was amazing and very helpful. The location was perfect for us as well.


Breakfast was super, good coffee, croissants, juices, toast with ham, chees, jam or nutella. You are also able to use the fridge, it is a really convivient solution. You can have a light dinner on the amazing terrace

Clean, Comfortable & Modern

Very friendly, accommodating staff. Quiet. Terrace was a nice bonus. Very clean & centrally located (for our needs). Highly recommend.

Brilliant fantastic

There was nothing to not like, this place was absolutely perfect , great restaurants in the street,train station and bus stop just around the corner and Mario was very welcoming, he has done a great job of renovating his apartment it is clean comfortable and has a lovely terrace to go and sit after a long day, Mario has gone to a lot of trouble to make sure you’re stay is pleasant he has even gone to the trouble of doing a suggested itinerary of 2/4or 7days to see the best of Rome, much better than any hotel I have ever stayed in , if I could I’d give 12 out of 10 Cheers Mario and thank you